Rc Cuba Cage

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Rc Cuba Cage with all the different sizes, colors, and models of bird cages today, it’s easy to become overwhelmed when shopping for a home for your pet. Although it seems there are endless choices when it comes to the types of bird cages available, there are a few simple guidelines you can remember that will make the process of choosing one much easier.

The first of these rules is to decide where your bird’s cage will be located, and shop based on what will work with the area you have set aside. The area should be away from windows and drafts, yet in an active part of your home to encourage your pet’s social development.

Small Parrots e.g. Senegal & Medium Parrots e.g. African Grey


66 x 61 x 165cm
86 x 81 x 165cm With Seed Catcher
64 x 59 x 114cm Internal
1.5cm Bar Spacing
3mm Wire Strength


1x 66cm Internal Perch
3x 10cm Internal Bowls
1x 56cm Open Top Perch
1x Removable Playtop

Cage Cover –  3103


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